Donatii prin PayPal / PayPal donations
Scris: 17 Oct 2019, 19:51
Salutare tuturor!
Pe zi ce trece suntem mai multi membri in aceasta comunitate minunata si suntem abia la inceput. Dupa cum ati obervat, in decurs de mai putin de trei luni am reusit sa punem pe picioare un canal de irc activ, caruia i-am creat si cateva extensii (forum, galerie foto, statistici), pentru ca toata lumea sa se simta bine si mai ales sa se exprime liber, totul facandu-se cat se poate de transparent. Nu e nici mult nici putin, dar cu siguranta eu cred ca se poate mai mult de atat.
De la bun inceput am considerat ca ceea ce facem, facem din pasiune, iar atunci cand este cazul sa investim in pasiunile noastre, e greu sa punem un pret, desi el exista si il platim lunar. Aici ne referim la platile legate de numele domeniului “”, gazduirea web ce il sustine si vps-ul pe care ruleaza robotul SummerSun.
Asadar, daca exista printre voi persoane ce considera ca pot ajuta de buna voie, financiar, la dezvoltarea comunitatii #underland, am fi bucurosi sa stim ca nu suntem singuri atunci cand vin facturile pentru serviciile mai sus mentionate.
In partea sus a paginii, am implementat un sistem de donatii prin PayPal. Pentru o mai mare transparenta, pe masura ce se vor strange fonduri, va vom detalia felul in care platile sunt efectuate, prin facturi justificative.
*** EN ***
Hi all!
As days goes by we are more members in this wonderful community and this is just the beginning. As you have seen, in less than three months we managed to set up an active irc channel, but also created some extensions (forum, photo gallery, statistics), to make everyone feel better and express freely, everything being made as transparent as possible. Maybe this is neither much nor less, but I certainly think it we can do it even better.
From the beginning, we considered that what we do, we do with passion, and when it is necessary to invest in our passions, it is difficult to put a price, although it exists and we pay it regularly. We’re talking about payments related to the “” domain name, its hosting service and the vps on which the SummerSun robot runs.
So, if there are any of you who think that can help financially in the development of the #underland community, we would be happy to know that we are not alone when invoices for the services mentioned above come.
At the top of the page, we implemented a donation system through PayPal. For greater transparency, as funds will be raised, we will detail how payments are made, by posting the invoices.
Pe zi ce trece suntem mai multi membri in aceasta comunitate minunata si suntem abia la inceput. Dupa cum ati obervat, in decurs de mai putin de trei luni am reusit sa punem pe picioare un canal de irc activ, caruia i-am creat si cateva extensii (forum, galerie foto, statistici), pentru ca toata lumea sa se simta bine si mai ales sa se exprime liber, totul facandu-se cat se poate de transparent. Nu e nici mult nici putin, dar cu siguranta eu cred ca se poate mai mult de atat.
De la bun inceput am considerat ca ceea ce facem, facem din pasiune, iar atunci cand este cazul sa investim in pasiunile noastre, e greu sa punem un pret, desi el exista si il platim lunar. Aici ne referim la platile legate de numele domeniului “”, gazduirea web ce il sustine si vps-ul pe care ruleaza robotul SummerSun.
Asadar, daca exista printre voi persoane ce considera ca pot ajuta de buna voie, financiar, la dezvoltarea comunitatii #underland, am fi bucurosi sa stim ca nu suntem singuri atunci cand vin facturile pentru serviciile mai sus mentionate.
In partea sus a paginii, am implementat un sistem de donatii prin PayPal. Pentru o mai mare transparenta, pe masura ce se vor strange fonduri, va vom detalia felul in care platile sunt efectuate, prin facturi justificative.
*** EN ***
Hi all!
As days goes by we are more members in this wonderful community and this is just the beginning. As you have seen, in less than three months we managed to set up an active irc channel, but also created some extensions (forum, photo gallery, statistics), to make everyone feel better and express freely, everything being made as transparent as possible. Maybe this is neither much nor less, but I certainly think it we can do it even better.
From the beginning, we considered that what we do, we do with passion, and when it is necessary to invest in our passions, it is difficult to put a price, although it exists and we pay it regularly. We’re talking about payments related to the “” domain name, its hosting service and the vps on which the SummerSun robot runs.
So, if there are any of you who think that can help financially in the development of the #underland community, we would be happy to know that we are not alone when invoices for the services mentioned above come.
At the top of the page, we implemented a donation system through PayPal. For greater transparency, as funds will be raised, we will detail how payments are made, by posting the invoices.